Friday, May 6, 2016


Today's post is just a jumble of thoughts and things that have stood out to me the past few days. As I did a little bit of research I found this website,, that explores the popularity of Korean Dramas in Singapore and the new means by which the dramas are viewed. Due to the extreme popularity and high demand for Korean Dramas in Singapore, a free app was created. Janice Lee, Managing Director of PCCW Media Group, said, "53% to 80% of viewers surveyed across Singapore, Malaysia and other markets like Jakarta, watches Korean drama on a regular basis." It is among the most popular content category for Asian viewers! According to Vulcan Post, " With around 10,000 hours of Korean and premium Asian content of which 4,000 hours are the latest current telecast Korean content which are localized with English and Simplified Chinese subtitles in 8 hours for some selected Korean content and within 24 hours for others." According to the site, it is clear that Hallyu is really taking off, especially in Asia. "In Asia alone, there are over 500 million OTT users. In Singapore, where internet penetration is among the highest in Asia (second only to S. Korea), we see Singaporeans regularly watching video on the internet (42%) and they spend twice as much time on the Internet vs. traditional TV and 66% of them stream/download content." If you are interested in checking out some Korean Dramas on your own my Singaporean friend recently informed me that, " was my staple. if that fails then YouTube has a rather good collection

Please feel free to check it out! However, as popular as Korean Dramas are, I think that kpop takes the cake when it comes to Singapore and Malaysian popularity. On the following survey site,, I found this response that I think typifies the Singaporean and Malaysian student; "i live in Singapore, in Southeast Asia! k-pop has definitely proliferated our country, being especially prominent in our youth culture here. 

tongue emoticon

being a teenager myself, i can often find k-pop ranging from the popular ones to even less known tracks being played at boutiques and shops. k-culture is tbh very strong here, with a lot of korean food outlets and korean fashion. korean makeup is extremely common here too, with brands such as innisfree and etude house. of course, our k-idols are prominently featured at these stores.
many teenagers are part of k-pop fandoms as well! especially my friend group. however our stan groups are quite diverse. i know of many casual listeners as well!
i think these mainly stem from being in an Asian country with strong Asian influences. the older generation may not take as much of a fancy to k-pop but they definitely enjoy k-dramas and reality shows. we're riding the korean wave now, be it any form of entertainment, and i'm lucky to be a fan of k-pop in such a country!" I was recently talking to a friend from Malaysia on Facebook and the conversation turned into this:
The ease with which he slipped into kpop just made me realize what an integral part of culture it has become. If anyone has further thoughts or comments or questions, please share!

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